Polygon Mesh Processing

Preface * Surface Representations Surface Definition and Properties Approximation Power Parametric Surface Representations Implicit Surface Representations Conversion Methods Summary and Further Reading * Mesh Data Structures Face-Based Data Structures Edge-Based Data Structures Halfedge-Based Data Structure Directed-Edge Data Structure Summary and Further Reading * Differential Geometry Curves Surfaces Discrete Differential Operators Summary and Further Reading * Smoothing Fourier Transform and Manifold Harmonics Diffusion Flow Fairing Summary and Further Reading * Parameterization General Goals Parameterization of a Triangulated Surface Barycentric Mapping Conformal Mapping Methods Based on Distortion Analysis Summary and Further Reading * Remeshing Local Structure Global Structure Correspondences Voronoi Diagrams and Delaunay Triangulations Triangle-Based Remeshing Quad-dominant Remeshing Summary and Further Reading * Simplification & Approximation Vertex Clustering Incremental Decimation Shape Approximation Out-of-Core Methods Summary and Further Reading * Model Repair Types of Artifacts: The "Freak Show" Types of Repair Algorithms Types of Input Surface-Oriented Algorithms Volumetric Repair Algorithms Summary and Further Reading * Deformation Transformation Propagation Shell-Based Deformation Multi-Scale Deformation Differential Coordinates Freeform Deformation Radial Basis Functions Limitations of Linear Methods Summary and Further Reading A. Numerics Discretizing Poisson and Laplace Equations Data Structures for Sparse Matrices Iterative Solvers Sparse Direct Cholesky Solver Non-Symmetric Indefinite Systems Comparison Bibliography Index