Detection of Hate Speech using BERT and Hate Speech Word Embedding with Deep Model

The enormous amount of data being generated on the web and social media has increased the demand for detecting online hate speech. Detecting hate speech will reduce their neg-ative impact and influence on others. A lot of effort in the Natural Language Processing (NLP) domain aimed to detect hate speech in general or detect specific hate speech such as religion, race, gender, or sexual orientation. Hate communities tend to use abbreviations, intentional spelling mistakes, and coded words in their communication to evade detection, adding more challenges to hate speech detec-tion tasks. Thus, word representation will play an increasingly pivotal role in detecting hate speech. This paper investigates the feasibil-ity of leveraging domain-specific word embed-ding in Bidirectional LSTM based deep model to automatically detect/classify hate speech. Furthermore, we investigate the use of the transfer learning language model (BERT) on hate speech problem as a binary classification task. The experiments showed that domain-specific word embedding with the Bidirec-tional LSTM based deep model achieved a 93% f1-score while BERT achieved up to 96% f1-score on a combined balanced dataset from available hate speech datasets.

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