The Living Races of Man

After agreement with Dr. Coon and the publisher, 50 Associates were invited to participate in the Review*. The first 20 who agreed to the terms were sent the author's precis and copies of the book, The Living Races of Man, by Carleton S. Coon, with Edward E. Hunt, Jr. (New York: Knopf 1965, xxxii, 344 pp.). Thirteen reviewers responded in time for their reviews to be sent to Coon for his reply. Coon sent both the reviews and his reply to Dr. Hunt, who then drafted his own brief reply. In a portion of this reply which was deleted by the Editor, Hunt suggests that the publisher should have credited the book to Coon and Hunt rather than Coon with Hunt. The Preface to the book (signed by Coon alone) says "Between 1956 and 1959 and after 1962 Edward E. Hunt, Jr., of Harvard and the Forsyth Dental Infirmary of Boston has cooperated with me at various times in preparing the material for the more technical sections of this book, particularly in Chapters 8 and 9. He has also worked on Chapter 10. Because his skull is packed with a prodigious index file of references to physical anthropology, his ambulant bibliography has saved me much time. It would be inappropriate for me to thank him here as he is a member of the team." These facts should be in mind when reading the reviews by A. A. Abbie, J. Lawrence Angel, N. A. Barnicot, Tadeusz Bielicki, Alice M. Brues, Cyril Darlington, Jean Hiernaux, Francis E. Johnston, Alec J. Kelso, W. M. Krogman, Bertil Lundman, Jamshed Mavalwala, and N. C. Tappen, which follow Coon's precis of the book. At the end are published Coon's and Hunt's replies.