Environmental Assessment: Military Housing Privatization Initiative at Scott Air Force Base, Illinois
Abstract : The Air Force is proposing the privatization of military family housing (MFH) at Scott Air Force Base (AFB,) Illinois (Figure 2.1). The proposed privatization action for the installation would include the transfer of Air Force MFH units and associated facilities (e.g., sidewalks and roads) to a successful offeror (SO) and implementation of a longterm lease to the SO for land associated with the housing units. The SO would conduct selective demolition, construction, and renovation of housing units (as required) to provide quality housing for military families. The SO would also be required to maintain the housing communities (including the units) for 50 years. The proposed action would also include the transfer and enhancement, as appropriate, of other installation-owned improvements located within the housing areas, including ancillary facilities (e.g., garages, sheds, and bus stop shelters), recreational areas (e.g., playgrounds and basketball courts), and infrastructure (e.g., roads, sidewalks, parking areas, and utilities). The SO would maintain all housing units, improvements, and land located within the leased area. The purpose of the MFH Revitalization Project is to provide suitable MFH for military personnel stationed at Scott AFB. This action is needed to comply with the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) Strategic Planning Guidance (SPG). The OSD, in its current guidance has tasked the Department of Defense (DOD) services to AF to privatize a minimum 60% of the family housing inventory, eliminate inadequate housing at all but four United States bases by 2007, eliminate inadequate housing at the remaining four northern tier bases by 2008, and eliminate inadequate housing overseas by 2009.