Abstract : This is a preliminary report of Macromodular Systems. The macromodules described are relatively small, dimensionally modular, structurally self-sufficient boxes which contain all of the required electronic circuits and memory elements. Electrical connectors on the faces of each unit provide all power and signal access. The units can be interconnected mechanically and electrically to form larger assemblages, and standardized cables are provided for all inter-assemblage communication. All connectors are backed by signal-standardizing amplifiers capable of driving any attachable module or cable. Data processing modules are organized in parallel binary form with word-length modulus of 12 bits, and are designed functionally for asynchronous operation. Memory modules hold 4096 12 bit words. (The numbers 12, 4096, and other such parameters have been made specific, for purposes of this report, only to simplify description.) The design of a system based on these modules requires only the exercise of logic. The operability of the resulting system cannot be adversely affected by the physical distribution or arrangement of parts, the distance between units, the number or diversity of modules, or the routing of the interconnecting pathways. Macromodular systems are, as a result, capable of continuous growth and functional enrichment. (Author)