The electronic control technology for mobility and domotics control (home automation systems) can be a great help to people with spinal injuries who have major limitations in the mobility and in the use of devices for normal life activity. The design of different type of technologies to provide to the patient aids is able to increase his quality of life. A spinal cord injury (SCI) is typically defined as damage or trauma to the spinal cord that in turn results in a loss or impaired function resulting in reduced mobility or feeling. Equipment manufacturers say that designing applications for users with disabilities is not cost-effective. Most of these systems are designed for users who are not disabled; therefore, systems that address disabled users need special interfaces in order to be accessible. In this paper we present a method for developing an electric and mechanical prototype for quadriplegic people provided that they can perform specific grade of mobility. Using an infrared technique, computer vision technology and mechanical design, users can perform some activities for improve his quality of live and give some grade of independence.
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