Measurement of Neutron Flux Spectra in a Tungsten Benchmark by Neutron Foil Activation Method

The nuclear designs of fusion devices such as ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor), which is an experimental fusion reactor based on the “tokamak” concept, rely on the results of neutron physical calculations. These depend on the knowledge of the neutron and photon flux spectra which is particularly important because it permits to anticipate the possible answers of the whole structure to phenomena such as nuclear heating, tritium breeding, atomic displacements, radiation shielding, power generation and material activation. The flux spectra can be calculated with transport codes, but validating measurements are also required. An important constituent of structural materials and divertor areas of fusion reactors is tungsten. This thesis deals with the measurement of the neutron fluence and neutron energy spectrum in a tungsten assembly by means of multiple foil neutron activation technique. In order to check and qualify the experimental tools and the codes to be used in the tungsten benchmark experiment, test measurements in the D-T and D-D neutron fields of the neutron generator at Technische Universitat Dresden were performed. The characteristics of the D-D and D-T reactions, used to produce monoenergetic neutrons, together with the selection of activation reactions suitable for fusion applications and details of the activation measurements are presented. Corrections related to the neutron irradiation process and those to the sample counting process are discussed, too. The neutron fluence and its energy distribution in a tungsten benchmark, irradiated at the Frascati Neutron Generator with 14 MeV neutrons produced by the T(d,n)He reaction, are then derived from the measurements of the neutron induced ray activity in the foils using the STAYNL unfolding code, based on the linear leastsquares-errors method, together with the IRDF-90.2 (International Reactor Dosimetry File) cross section library. The differences between the neutron flux spectra measured by means of neutron foil activation and the neutron flux spectra obtained in the same assembly, making use of an Ne213 liquid-scintillation spectrometer were studied. The comparison of measured neutron spectra with the spectra calculated with the MCNP4B (Monte Carlo neutron and photon transport) code, which allows a crucial test of the evaluated nuclear data used in fusion reactor design, is discussed, too. In conclusion, this thesis shows the applicability of the neutron foil activation technique for the measurement of neutron flux spectra inside a thick tungsten assembly irradiated with 14 MeV from the D-T generator.

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