유고상황 시 MatSIM을 활용한 도시부 도로네트워크 운영 분석
PURPOSES: The purpose of this study is to check the possibilities of traffic pattern analysis using MatSIM for urban road network operation in incident case. METHODS : One of the stochastic dynamic models is MatSIM. MatSIM is a transportation simulation tool based on stochastic dynamic model and activity based model. It is an open source software developed by IVT, ETH zurich, Switzerland. In MatSIM, various scenario comparison analyses are possible and analyses results are expressed using the visualizer which shows individual vehicle movements and traffic patterns. In this study, trip distribution in 24-hour, traffic volume, and travel speed using MatSIM are similar to those of measured values. Therefore, results of MatSIM are reasonable comparing with measured values. Traffic patterns are changed according to incident from change of individual behavior. RESULTS: The simulation results and the actual measured values are similar. The simulation results show reasonable ranges which can be used for traffic pattern analysis. CONCLUSIONS : The change of traffic pattern including trip distribution, traffic volumes and speeds according to various incident scenarios can be used for traffic control policy decision to provide effective operation of urban road network.