Prawne aspekty korzystania z Rejestru Cen i Wartości Nieruchomości

The Estate Price and Value Registry (RCiWN) is a database containing primarily the prices designated in notary deeds and the values determined by property valuers in appraisal reports. RCiWN is a part of the national geodetic and cartographic resources and, in addition, an element of the spatial information infrastructure. The legal analysis of RCiWN leads to certain doubts concerning the possibilities of using the data contained in the registry. There are at least three legal acts, from which rules of making the data available to the parties concerned may be derived. The doubts relate first of all to the catalogue of entities entitled to receive data from RCiWN, the rules concerning charges and the method of calculating them, the possibility to impose restrictions on further dissemination of data and their reuse. The subject of this paper is legal analysis of these regulations. The objective of this paper is to clarify the doubts indicated by means of interpretation of present provisions and formulating suggestions de lege ferenda. The scope of the analysis covers provisions of geodetic and cartographic law together with implementing provisions referred to the provisions of copyright law, the law on protection of databases and the law on access to public information.