The deterministic protocol for rational secret sharing

We consider the rational secret sharing problem introduced by Halpern and Teague (2004), where players prefer to get the secret than not to get the secret and with lower preference, prefer that as few of the other players get the secret. The impossibility of a deterministic protocol for rational secret sharing is proved by Halpern and Teague (2004). The impossibility result is based on the fact that a rational player always chooses a dominating strategy and so there is no incentive for a player to send his secret share. This rational behavior makes secret sharing impossible, but there is an interesting way by which we can force rational players to cooperate for achieving successful secret sharing. A rational player may be deterred from exploiting his short term advantage by the threat of punishment that reduces his long term payoff. This can be captured by the repeated interaction of players. Hence, we study rational secret sharing in a scenario, where players interact repeatedly in several rounds which enables the possibility of secret sharing among rational players. In our model, the dealer, instead of sending shares, forms polynomials of the secret shares and sends points on that polynomial (say subshares) to the players. The dealer constructs polynomials in a manner that the degrees of polynomials used differ by at most one and each player is not aware of the degree of polynomial employed for others. The players distribute shares in terms of subshares. We show a surprising result on the deterministic protocol for rational secret sharing problem in synchronous model. This is the first protocol that achieves rational secret sharing in a reasonable model to the best of our knowledge.