Quantitative fluorescence microscopy: from art to science.

A substantial number of elegant experimental approaches have been developed to image the distribution and dynamics of DNA, mRNA, proteins, organelles, metabolites, and ions in living plant cells. Although the human brain can rapidly assimilate visual information, particularly when presented as animations and movies, it is much more challenging to condense the phenomenal amount of data present in three-, four-, or even five-dimensional images into statistically useful measurements. This review explores a range of in vivo fluorescence imaging applications in plants, with particular emphasis on where quantitative techniques are beginning to emerge.

[1]  Marcus Fehr,et al.  Visualization of maltose uptake in living yeast cells by fluorescent nanosensors , 2002, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[2]  L. Looger,et al.  Construction of a fluorescent biosensor family , 2002, Protein science : a publication of the Protein Society.

[3]  A. Nakano,et al.  Functional differentiation of endosomes in Arabidopsis cells. , 2004, The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology.

[4]  M. Fricker,et al.  Confocal imaging of metabolism in vivo: pitfalls and possibilities. , 2001, Journal of experimental botany.

[5]  Jakob R. Winther,et al.  Monitoring disulfide bond formation in the eukaryotic cytosol , 2004, The Journal of cell biology.

[6]  Keith A Mott,et al.  Changes in Surface Area of Intact Guard Cells Are Correlated with Membrane Internalization1 , 2003, Plant Physiology.

[7]  J. Vane,et al.  Optical Projection Tomography as a Tool for 3D Microscopy and Gene Expression Studies , 2002 .

[8]  E. Meyerowitz,et al.  Patterns of Auxin Transport and Gene Expression during Primordium Development Revealed by Live Imaging of the Arabidopsis Inflorescence Meristem , 2005, Current Biology.

[9]  F. Brandizzi,et al.  Receptor Salvage from the Prevacuolar Compartment Is Essential for Efficient Vacuolar Protein Targeting , 2005, The Plant Cell Online.

[10]  Jim Haseloff,et al.  Marking cell lineages in living tissues. , 2005, The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology.

[11]  Vladislav V Verkhusha,et al.  Conversion of the monomeric red fluorescent protein into a photoactivatable probe. , 2005, Chemistry & biology.

[12]  P. Benfey,et al.  Intercellular movement of the putative transcription factor SHR in root patterning , 2001, Nature.

[13]  A. Depicker,et al.  Stable high-level transgene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana using gene silencing mutants and matrix attachment regions. , 2004, The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology.

[14]  L. Looger,et al.  Detection of glutamate release from neurons by genetically encoded surface-displayed FRET nanosensors. , 2005, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[15]  D. A. Lee,et al.  Live cell imaging using confocal microscopy induces intracellular calcium transients and cell death. , 2003, American journal of physiology. Cell physiology.

[16]  Marcus Fehr,et al.  Construction and optimization of a family of genetically encoded metabolite sensors by semirational protein engineering , 2005, Protein science : a publication of the Protein Society.

[17]  O. Thas,et al.  Four‐dimensional imaging and computer‐assisted track analysis of nuclear migration in root hairs of Arabidopsis thaliana , 2003, Journal of microscopy.

[18]  S. Kay,et al.  Functional interaction of phytochrome B and cryptochrome 2 , 2000, Nature.

[19]  D. McCurdy,et al.  A Green Fluorescent Protein Fusion to Actin-Binding Domain 2 of Arabidopsis Fimbrin Highlights New Features of a Dynamic Actin Cytoskeleton in Live Plant Cells1[w] , 2004, Plant Physiology.

[20]  R. Zucker,et al.  Statistical evaluation of confocal microscopy images. , 2001, Cytometry.

[21]  James G McNally,et al.  FRAP analysis of binding: proper and fitting. , 2005, Trends in cell biology.

[22]  T. Gadella,et al.  Alteration of Microtubule Dynamic Instability during Preprophase Band Formation Revealed by Yellow Fluorescent Protein–CLIP170 Microtubule Plus-End Labeling Online version contains Web-only data. Article, publication date, and citation information can be found at www.plantcell.org/cgi/doi/10.1105/tp , 2003, The Plant Cell Online.

[23]  Alan Marchant,et al.  Structure-Function Analysis of the Presumptive Arabidopsis Auxin Permease AUX1w⃞ , 2004, The Plant Cell Online.

[24]  Gerco C Angenent,et al.  Analysis of MADS box protein–protein interactions in living plant cells , 2002, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[25]  R Y Tsien,et al.  Specific covalent labeling of recombinant protein molecules inside live cells. , 1998, Science.

[26]  C. Halpin,et al.  Self-processing 2A-polyproteins--a system for co-ordinate expression of multiple proteins in transgenic plants. , 1999, The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology.

[27]  Sidney L. Shaw,et al.  Sustained Microtubule Treadmilling in Arabidopsis Cortical Arrays , 2003, Science.

[28]  Sang-Bong Choi,et al.  The Transport of Prolamine RNAs to Prolamine Protein Bodies in Living Rice Endosperm Cells Online version contains Web-only data. Article, publication date, and citation information can be found at www.plantcell.org/cgi/doi/10.1105/tpc.013466. , 2003, The Plant Cell Online.

[29]  R H Berg,et al.  Evaluation of spectral imaging for plant cell analysis , 2004, Journal of microscopy.

[30]  Gray,et al.  Technical Advance: Confocal measurement of the three-dimensional size and shape of plant parenchyma cells in a developing fruit tissue. , 1999, The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology.

[31]  A. Miyawaki,et al.  An optical marker based on the UV-induced green-to-red photoconversion of a fluorescent protein , 2002, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[32]  Atsushi Miyawaki,et al.  Semi‐rational engineering of a coral fluorescent protein into an efficient highlighter , 2005, EMBO reports.

[33]  George H. Patterson,et al.  A Photoactivatable GFP for Selective Photolabeling of Proteins and Cells , 2002, Science.

[34]  Masakatsu Watanabe,et al.  Why green fluorescent fusion proteins have not been observed in the vacuoles of higher plants. , 2003, The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology.

[35]  M. Hanson,et al.  GFP-labelled Rubisco and aspartate aminotransferase are present in plastid stromules and traffic between plastids. , 2004, Journal of experimental botany.

[36]  Stephen W. Michnick,et al.  Direct visualization of protein interactions in plant cells , 2001, Nature Biotechnology.

[37]  Mark D. Fricker,et al.  Aberration control in quantitative imaging of botanical specimens by multidimensional fluorescence microscopy , 1996 .

[38]  G. Kreth,et al.  Chromosome territory arrangement and homologous pairing in nuclei of Arabidopsis thaliana are predominantly random except for NOR-bearing chromosomes , 2004, Chromosoma.

[39]  E. Grill,et al.  A defined range of guard cell calcium oscillation parameters encodes stomatal movements , 2001, Nature.

[40]  T. Bisseling,et al.  Breakthrough Technologies Use of the Fluorescent Timer DsRED-E 5 as Reporter to Monitor Dynamics of Gene Activity in Plants 1 , 2004 .

[41]  M. Messerli,et al.  Periodic increases in elongation rate precede increases in cytosolic Ca2+ during pollen tube growth. , 2000, Developmental biology.

[42]  Jim Haseloff,et al.  Old botanical techniques for new microscopes. , 2003, BioTechniques.

[43]  M. Fricker,et al.  Quantitative in vivo measurement of glutathione in Arabidopsis cells. , 2001, The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology.

[44]  R. Eils,et al.  Quantitative motion analysis and visualization of cellular structures. , 2003, Methods.

[45]  P. Hepler,et al.  Quantification of microtubule dynamics in living plant cells using fluorescence redistribution after photobleaching. , 1994, Journal of cell science.

[46]  Ruthie Angelovici,et al.  Detection of protein-protein interactions in plants using bimolecular fluorescence complementation. , 2004, The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology.

[47]  R. Tsien,et al.  Fluorescent indicators for Ca2+based on green fluorescent proteins and calmodulin , 1997, Nature.

[48]  E. Lam,et al.  Chromatin of endoreduplicated pavement cells has greater range of movement than that of diploid guard cells in Arabidopsis thaliana , 2003, Journal of Cell Science.

[49]  E Neher,et al.  Optimizing imaging parameters for the separation of multiple labels in a fluorescence image , 2004, Journal of microscopy.

[50]  A. Roberts,et al.  New tools for in vivo fluorescence tagging. , 2005, Current opinion in plant biology.

[51]  W. Webb,et al.  Active protein transport through plastid tubules: velocity quantified by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. , 2000, Journal of cell science.

[52]  T. Okita,et al.  mRNA localization in plants: targeting to the cell's cortical region and beyond. , 2002, Current opinion in plant biology.

[53]  A. Miyawaki,et al.  Ca2+ Dynamics in a Pollen Grain and Papilla Cell during Pollination of Arabidopsis1 , 2004, Plant Physiology.

[54]  S. Chapman,et al.  High-Throughput Viral Expression of cDNA–Green Fluorescent Protein Fusions Reveals Novel Subcellular Addresses and Identifies Unique Proteins That Interact with Plasmodesmata Article, publication date, and citation information can be found at www.plantcell.org/cgi/doi/10.1105/tpc.013284. , 2003, The Plant Cell Online.

[55]  J. Mathur,et al.  Simultaneous Visualization of Peroxisomes and Cytoskeletal Elements Reveals Actin and Not Microtubule-Based Peroxisome Motility in Plants1,212 , 2002, Plant Physiology.

[56]  W. Webb,et al.  Molecular dynamics in living cells observed by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy with one- and two-photon excitation. , 1999, Biophysical journal.

[57]  W. Frommer,et al.  Live Imaging of Glucose Homeostasis in Nuclei of COS-7 Cells , 2004, Journal of Fluorescence.

[58]  C. Plieth,et al.  Calcium: just another regulator in the machinery of life? , 2005, Annals of botany.

[59]  Thomas D Pollard,et al.  Counting Cytokinesis Proteins Globally and Locally in Fission Yeast , 2005, Science.

[60]  M. Fricker,et al.  Direct measurement of glutathione in epidermal cells of intact Arabidopsis roots by two‐photon laser scanning microscopy , 2000, Journal of microscopy.

[61]  P. Hussey,et al.  Green Fluorescent Protein-mTalin Causes Defects in Actin Organization and Cell Expansion in Arabidopsis and Inhibits Actin Depolymerizing Factor's Actin Depolymerizing Activity in Vitro1 , 2004, Plant Physiology.

[62]  Y. Yamazaki,et al.  Functional Isolation of Novel Nuclear Proteins Showing a Variety of Subnuclear Localizationsw⃞ , 2005, The Plant Cell Online.

[63]  Joseph C. Shope,et al.  Guard cell volume and pressure measured concurrently by confocal microscopy and the cell pressure probe. , 2001, Plant physiology.

[64]  Patrick Laufs,et al.  In Vivo Analysis of Cell Division, Cell Growth, and Differentiation at the Shoot Apical Meristem in Arabidopsis Article, publication date, and citation information can be found at www.plantcell.org/cgi/doi/10.1105/tpc.017962. , 2004, The Plant Cell Online.

[65]  S. Jakobs,et al.  Short tetracysteine tags to beta-tubulin demonstrate the significance of small labels for live cell imaging. , 2004, Molecular biology of the cell.

[66]  Marcus Fehr,et al.  In Vivo Imaging of the Dynamics of Glucose Uptake in the Cytosol of COS-7 Cells by Fluorescent Nanosensors* , 2003, Journal of Biological Chemistry.

[67]  M. Fricker,et al.  Control of Demand-Driven Biosynthesis of Glutathione in Green Arabidopsis Suspension Culture Cells1 , 2002, Plant Physiology.

[68]  George J. Augustine,et al.  A Genetically Encoded Ratiometric Indicator for Chloride Capturing Chloride Transients in Cultured Hippocampal Neurons , 2000, Neuron.

[69]  Chitra Subramanian,et al.  In vivo detection of protein-protein interaction in plant cells using BRET. , 2004, Methods in molecular biology.

[70]  F Guilak,et al.  Comparison of several digital and stereological methods for estimating surface area and volume of cells studied by confocal microscopy. , 1999, Cytometry.

[71]  Cassie Aldridge,et al.  Plastid division is mediated by combinatorial assembly of plastid division proteins. , 2005, The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology.

[72]  E. Lam,et al.  Spectral Profiling for the Simultaneous Observation of Four Distinct Fluorescent Proteins and Detection of Protein-Protein Interaction via Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer in Tobacco Leaf Nuclei1 , 2002, Plant Physiology.

[73]  J. Callis,et al.  Engineering in vivo instability of firefly luciferase and Escherichia coli β-glucuronidase in higher plants using recognition elements from the ubiquitin pathway , 1998, Plant Molecular Biology.

[74]  K. Jalink,et al.  Characterization of sectioning fluorescence microscopy with thin uniform fluorescent layers: Sectioned Imaging Property or SIPcharts , 2005, Journal of microscopy.

[75]  D. Galbraith,et al.  Nuclear dynamics in Arabidopsis thaliana. , 2000, Molecular biology of the cell.

[76]  Robert H Singer,et al.  Gene expression and the myth of the average cell. , 2003, Trends in cell biology.

[77]  L. Looger,et al.  metabolite sensors by semirational protein engineering Construction and optimization of a family of genetically encoded data , 2005 .

[78]  A. Hetherington,et al.  The generation of Ca(2+) signals in plants. , 2004, Annual review of plant biology.

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[81]  Ana I. Caño-Delgado,et al.  Heterodimerization and Endocytosis of Arabidopsis Brassinosteroid Receptors BRI1 and AtSERK3 (BAK1) , 2004, The Plant Cell Online.

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[85]  M. Sauer,et al.  Subcellular distribution of the V-ATPase complex in plant cells, and in vivo localisation of the 100 kDa subunit VHA-a within the complex , 2004, BMC Cell Biology.

[86]  Konrad Sandau,et al.  Unbiased Stereology. Three‐Dimensional Measurement in Microscopy. , 1999 .

[87]  P. Ranocha,et al.  Multiple gene detection by in situ RT-PCR in isolated plant cells and tissues. , 2004, The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology.

[88]  A Miyawaki,et al.  Dynamic and quantitative Ca2+ measurements using improved cameleons. , 1999, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[89]  E. Lam,et al.  Visualizing chromosome structure/organization. , 2004, Annual review of plant biology.

[90]  J. Lippincott-Schwartz,et al.  Endoplasmic Reticulum Export Sites and Golgi Bodies Behave as Single Mobile Secretory Units in Plant Cells , 2004, The Plant Cell Online.

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[95]  T. Bisseling,et al.  In vivo fluorescence correlation microscopy (FCM) reveals accumulation and immobilization of Nod factors in root hair cell walls. , 2000, The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology.

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[100]  M. Fricker,et al.  Cell-specific measurement of cytosolic glutathione in poplar leaves. , 2003, Plant, cell & environment.

[101]  Minami Matsui,et al.  Gene trapping of the Arabidopsis genome with a firefly luciferase reporter. , 2003, The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology.

[102]  Roger Y Tsien,et al.  Genetically targeted chromophore-assisted light inactivation , 2003, Nature Biotechnology.

[103]  E. Lam,et al.  Tandem repetitive transgenes and fluorescent chromatin tags alter local interphase chromosome arrangement in Arabidopsis thaliana , 2005, Journal of Cell Science.

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