where M denotes the set of all non-negative integer-valued Radon measures in X and H the set of all measurable, non-negative functions on X x M. E(x IJ.t) is the 'energy of x given the configuration u:' and p is some Radon measure in X. In the case U == 0 (i.e. E ( ./ . ) == 0, the case of the Poisson point process) this equation reduces to an integral equation due to Mecke [1]. We also show the equivalence of this equation to the equilibrium equations due to Ruelle [2]. Some easy corollaries show that this new integral equation is an effective tool in analysing Gibbs processes. In particular we get a differential characterization of Gibbs processes in terms of their Palm measures, which generalizes a recent result of Georgii [3]. In the case U == 0 this reduces to characterizations of the Poisson process via Palm measures due to Ambartzumian, Jagers, Mecke and Sliwnjak. Finally we point out some relations of this integral to the Kirkwood-Salsburg equations.
Hans-Otto Georgii,et al.
Canonical and grand canonical Gibbs states for continuum systems
David Ruelle,et al.
Superstable interactions in classical statistical mechanics
J. Mecke,et al.
Stationäre zufällige Maße auf lokalkompakten Abelschen Gruppen
H. Georgii.
On canonical Gibbs states, symmetric and tail events
O. Kallenberg.
Stability of Critical Cluster Fields
H. Georgii.
Canonical gibbs states, their relation to gibbs states, and applications to two-valued Markov chains