Recent Developments in Decision Support Systems

Challenges for Information Systems: Representation, Modeling and Metaknowledge.- Information Systems to Support Decision Processes: From Decision Support to Networks of Inquiry Systems.- The Use of Qualitative and Causal Reasoning in Analytical Review Procedures.- Finite Domain Constraint Problems and Their Relationship with Logic Programming.- SEMLOG: A Multiparadigm Language for Conceptual Modeling.- Negotiation Modelling and Support: Expanding the DSS Paradigm.- Framework for DSS Interface Development.- User Interface Development and Decision Support Systems.- Expert Modelbase Systems: Research Directions.- The Use of Domain Information and Higher Order Logic for Model Management.- Reusing Mathematical Models in ASCEND.- Knowledge Acquisition: Recent Theoretic and Empirical Developments.- Computer-Aided Decision Support Engineering.- Research Issues for Second Generation Knowledge Based DSS.- New Architectures for WISIWYSWIWSWYS (What I See Is What You See When I Want to See What You See).- Empirical Research in Managerial Support Systems: A Review and Assessment.- DSS Evaluation: A Comparison of Ex-Ante and Ex-Post Evaluation Methods.- The Impact of Group Gender Composition on Group Performance in an Electronic Meeting System Setting: A Study of Group Gender Composition.- Probabilistic Causal Reasoning in Decision Support Systems.- Development of a Decision Support System for Maintenance Planning.- Autonomous Planning Agents for Real-time Control.- GDSS and Lateral Coordination for Reactive Production Scheduling: An Organizational Approach and the Prototype GROUPS.- Choosing Solvers in Decision Support Systems: A Neural Network Application in Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling.- Fleet Mix Planning in the U.S. Coast Guard: Issues and Challenges for DSS.- A Knowledge-Based Decision Support System for the Formulation of Scenarios on Competitiveness Strategies.