Construction safety management has always been a big issue in india. Though much improvement in construction safety has been achieved, india still continues to lag behind most other countries with regard to safety. The safety in construction of any organization consists of employee’s attitudes towards and perceptions of health and safety behavior. Construction safety are influenced by perceptions of risk, management, safety rules and procedures of the workers. A measure of safety management could be used to identify those areas of safety that need more attention and improvement. The dynamic nature of safety management, which has the ability to change on daily basis, means there is a great need for reliable tools that can measure safety climate. Safety management is a leading performance indicator that can provide insight into safety performance before accidents have occurred. In this paper, several construction safety techniques were used for the safety of major construction organizations across India involved in construction of Thermal power plants, Hydro power plants, Highway projects, Bridge works, Refinery works, High rise works, Pipe line works and Dam woks and its content validity was verified. These techniques are very much useful for the safety construction. Moreover, Total Construction Safety Management (TCSM) is proposed for the effective construction safety in india. Safety climate is used for the evaluation of the TCSM.