DLRP: Dynamic layered routing protocol for IP multicast

In this paper, we propose a dynamic layered routing protocol (DLRP) for IP multicast, in which not only the multicast source disseminates data packages through multicast or unicast mode based on network environments of the involving autonomy systems, but also the multicast router within one autonomy system can adopt the same strategy to determine the data transmission method. To verify the DLRP's feasibility, we implement this protocol using UCLA parsec programming language in a simulated network environment. In addition, we propose a scheme to measure the multicast routing cost and discuss how to dynamically select the proper data transmission mode (unicast or multicast) so that the multicast routing cost is minimized. Unlike the other popular multicast routing protocols, our DRLP can adapt to the dynamic change of the multicast network topology to achieve the optimal data transmission. Its dynamic group member management and flexible datagram routing strategy allow it to embrace any other data routing models (unicast or multicast).