Poor self-reported adherence to COVID-19-related quarantine/isolation requests, Norway, April to July 2020
W. Edmunds | C. Jarvis | K. van Zandvoort | A. Gimma | A. Steens | B. Robberstad | F. Forland | Veneti Lamprini | B. Freiesleben de Blasio | L. Veneti | B. F. D. Blasio | Lamprini Veneti¹ | Amy Gimma³ | John Edmunds³ | Kevin Van Zandvoort³ | Christopher I Jarvis³ | Frode Forland¹ | Steens Anneke | Freiesleben de Blasio Birgitte | Edmunds Gimma Amy | W. John | Van Zandvoort Kevin | Jarvis Christopher | Forland Frode