Active electromagnetic armor accelerates the projectile by electromagnetic force, which could be launched to the aggressor missile on its way to protect the object. A solid metal projectile is usually applied in the active electromagnetic armor based on the elements of reconnection launch gun. A novel active multihollow-projectile electromagnetic armor is proposed in this paper based on the research of the reconnection launch gun. Given the same drive coil and pulsed power, the hollow projectile has higher kinetic energy than the solid one, and it can be filled with the detonator, which will be detonated when the projectile hits the aggressor missile. Each projectile's kinetic energy of the multiprojectile structure may be lower than the single projectile, but the general efficiency could be greatly improved. The thickness of the projectile could be designed by finite-element simulation, with the precondition of mechanical strength of the projectile
Heinz Knoepfel,et al.
Pulsed High Magnetic Fields: Physical Effects and Generation Methods Concerning Pulsed Fields up to the Megaoersted Level
R. J. Kaye,et al.
The reconnection gun
Wang Feng-ying.
The Development of Armor Fence
Charles R. Hummer,et al.
Magnetic Induction Launcher Models.
C R Hummer,et al.
A Single-Stage Reconnection Gun
Charles R. Hummer,et al.
A coilgun-based plate launch system