Experimental study of free abrasive wire sawing by using multi-strands wire

Grains in the slurry can be brought into cutting zone by steel wire with a certain speed to achieve the purpose of removing the workpiece material in the free abrasive wire sawing machining. Because its own of multistrands characteristics,we use it to replace the steel wire to do slicing experiment. In this paper,multi- strands wire is made by seven metal wires and has many grooves on its surface. Compared with steel wire,it can carry more grains into cutting zone which is conducive to improving the slicing efficiency. We do some comparative slicing experiments by applying multi-strands wire( 0.25 mm) and steel wire( 0.25 mm) to cut optical glass(K9). The results show that slicing efficiency and the surface roughness of the workpiece sliced by using multi-strands wire are better than that by using steel wire,but the kerf width of the former is wider than that of the latter in the same experimental conditions.更多还原