Structural Attention Graph Neural Network for Diagnosis and Prediction of COVID-19 Severity

With rapid worldwide spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), jointly identifying severe COVID-19 cases from mild ones and predicting the conversion time (from mild to severe) is essential to optimize the workflow and reduce the clinician’s workload. In this study, we propose a novel framework for COVID-19 diagnosis, termed as Structural Attention Graph Neural Network (SAGNN), which can combine the multi-source information including features extracted from chest CT, latent lung structural distribution, and non-imaging patient information to conduct diagnosis of COVID-19 severity and predict the conversion time from mild to severe. Specifically, we first construct a graph to incorporate structural information of the lung and adopt graph attention network to iteratively update representations of lung segments. To distinguish different infection degrees of left and right lungs, we further introduce a structural attention mechanism. Finally, we introduce demographic information and develop a multi-task learning framework to jointly perform both tasks of classification and regression. Experiments are conducted on a real dataset with 1687 chest CT scans, which includes 1328 mild cases and 359 severe cases. Experimental results show that our method achieves the best classification (e.g., 86.86% in terms of Area Under Curve) and regression (e.g., 0.58 in terms of Correlation Coefficient) performance, compared with other comparison methods.

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