Slotted Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna Designs for multiband Application in Wireless Communication

The paper present the Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna designs with slit-slot for multiband purpose in wireless communication. We have designed a circular microstrip patch antenna (CMPA) for 1.3GHz used in wireless communication. We have designed CMPA with 2slit slot, 3slit-slot, and 6slit-slot and observed results for different designs, and finally it is shown that as slit-slot increases to six slit-slot Return-loss and Bandwidth of CMPA are reduced.The multiband antenna use for wireless communication in different applications. Bandwidth improvement is about 63.3%, 72.10% and 37.5% respectively in two, three and six slit-slotted patch when compared to their basic design bandwidth band. Antenna is changed to multiband by slit-slot Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna (CMPA).