Two recent preprints [B. Altshuler, H. Krovi, and J. Roland, "Quantum adiabatic optimization fails for random instances of NP-complete problems", arXiv:0908.2782 and "Anderson localization casts clouds over adiabatic quantum optimization", arXiv:0912.0746] argue that random 4th order perturbative corrections to the energies of local minima of random instances of NP-complete problem lead to avoided crossings that cause the failure of quantum adiabatic algorithm (due to exponentially small gap) close to the end, for very small transverse field that scales as an inverse power of instance size N. The theoretical portion of this work does not to take into account the exponential degeneracy of the ground and excited states at zero field. A corrected analysis shows that unlike those in the middle of the spectrum, avoided crossings at the edge would require high [O(1)] transverse fields, at which point the perturbation theory may become divergent due to quantum phase transition. This effect manifests itself only in large instances [exp(0.02 N) >> 1], which might be the reason it had not been observed in the authors' numerical work. While we dispute the proposed mechanism of failure of quantum adiabatic algorithm, we cannot draw any conclusions on its ultimate complexity.
Edward Farhi,et al.
Quantum adiabatic algorithms, small gaps, and different paths
Quantum Inf. Comput..
A. Young,et al.
First-order phase transition in the quantum adiabatic algorithm.
Physical review letters.
Dogan A. Timucin,et al.
Dynamics of Quantum Adiabatic Evolution Algorithm for Number Partitioning
Sergey Knysh,et al.
Statistical mechanics of the quantum K -satisfiability problem.
Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics.
E. Farhi,et al.
A Quantum Adiabatic Evolution Algorithm Applied to Random Instances of an NP-Complete Problem
Guilhem Semerjian,et al.
First-order transitions for random optimization problems in a transverse field
J. Teugels,et al.
Statistics of Extremes
Jérémie Roland,et al.
Adiabatic quantum optimization fails for random instances of NP-complete problems
Edward Farhi,et al.
Quantum transverse-field Ising model on an infinite tree from matrix product states
R. Car,et al.
Theory of Quantum Annealing of an Ising Spin Glass