System Performances in the Presence of One Fast Weibull and One Slow Gamma fading

This paper decribes the model of forming equivalent envelope of a signal at the entrance of the wireless digital telecommunication sys tem in the presence of one fast Weibull and one slow Gamma fading. Probability density function (PDF) of random variable at the reception side has been determined for the described model. Dependence of the probability density function (PDF) of the parameters of fading (fad ing severity) and corresponding components power is analytically and graphically described. The influence of fading parameters on statistical characteristics of the received signal and quality of the signal detection in the entire communication system has been graphically presented. Apstrakt: Ovaj rad prikazuje model formiranja ekvivalentnog omotaca signala na ulazu u prijemnik bezicnog digitalnog telekomunikacionog sistema, kada je istovremeno prisutan parametar Vejbulove raspodele i spor gama feding. Za dati model utvrđuje se funkcija gustine verovatnoce (PDF) slucajne promenljive na strani prijemnika. Zavisnost funkcije gustine verovatnoce feding parametara i snage odgovarajucih kompo nenata prikazana je analiticki i graficki. U radu je dat graficki prikaz uticaja parametara fedinga na statisticke karakteristike primljenog signala i kvalitet detekcije signala u celokupnom sistemu komunikacije.