Patogenia da brucelose ovina

The ovine brucelosis was first described in Australia and New Zealand in 1953. The disease has a worldwide distribution and also affects rams in several Brazilians states. Brucella ovis can penetrate by oral, conjunctival, prepucial, vaginal and rectal mucosa. The clinical symptoms showed by infected animaIs are chronic epididymis and poor semen quality. Brucella spp. during the bacteremia can be found in many tissues as liver, kidney, spleen, testicles, epididymes, seminal vesicles, bulbourethral glands, ampulla ducts and Iymph nodes as prescapular, precrural, submandibular, parotid and pharyngeal. Spermatic granuloma and presence of inflammatory cells can be found using microscopy mostly in epididymis and accessory glands. Some studies have been conducted in Brazil, indicating the presence of the disease in several states.