Selecting the Criterion Factors for Keeping/Removing the Erosion Control District using Quantification Analysis II

An erosion control district should be designated to perform erosion control works. After such designation, an owner of the concernedland needs to obtain a permission to perform any development activities. To relieve the concerned area from such erosion control dis-trict, it should be judged that the concerned area has achieved an intended purpose of the designation after 10 years of such des-ignation. This study was carried out to develop a reasonable basis to determine whether or not such designation should be maintainedor terminated. Case study and quantification analysis were carried out to identify factors that influence such designation maintenanceand termination and develop a judgement table. The factors identified in this study included the status of erosion control structures,coverage of grass, occurrence of soil erosion (Y/N), the status of downstream, growth status of planted trees and stability of othergreening facilities. The judgement table was developed by giving weight to the factors based on the quantification analysis. It showeda high accuracy rate of 96.8% and correlation ratio of 0.61. This will serve as a basis to judge proper the designation duration of ero-sion control district.Key words : Erosion Control District, Evaluation Criteria, Intended Purpose, Quantification II Analysis