Vision and vertigo
Abstract.This review deals with two syndromes, oscillopsia and
visual vertigo. Oscillopsia is the illusion of oscillation of
the visual surroundings. For diagnosis purposes one should ask,
when does the oscillopsia
occur? If oscillopsia is only present during head (or whole
body) movements, the likely underlying cause is a bilateral
defect in the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR). The more common
causes are post meningitic vestibular damage, gentamicin
ototoxicity or bilateral idiopathic vestibular failure. When
oscillopsia develops after specific head positions, it is
usually due to a positional nystagmus, usually the result of
brainstem-cerebellar disease. When the oscillopsia is largely
unrelated to head movements, one should ask, is it fairly
constant or is it in attacks (paroxysmal)? If the oscillopsia is
constant it is usually due to the presence of a clinically
observable nystagmus; the most common is downbeat nystagmus but
the most visually disabling is pendular nystagmus. If the
oscillopsia comes in brief attacks it is usually due to a
paroxysmal nystagmus as observed in irritative VIII nerve and
brainstem lesions. However, the most common cause of paroxysmal
oscillopsia is a non organic condition called voluntary
nystagmus. Treatment of oscillopsia is often pharmacological but
disappointing; the best chance of success is carbamazepine for
paroxysmal disorders secondary to structural vestibular
nerve/nuclear lesions.Visual vertigo should not be confused with oscillopsia. It
can be defined as dizziness provoked by visual environments with
large size (full field) repetitive or moving visual patterns.
Patients with visual vertigo report discomfort in supermarkets
and when viewing movement of large visual objects, eg crowds,
traffic, clouds or foliage. Visual vertigo is present in many
patients with a history of a peripheral vestibular disorder,
particularly those who are visually dependent (ie subjects who
use vision preferentially for postural and space orientation
control). Patients with visual vertigo benefit from the addition
to their standard vestibular rehabilitation of optic flow
(optokinetic) stimuli and exercises involving visuo-vestibular