Using GTO-Velo to Facilitate Communication and Sharing of Simulation Results in Support of the Geothermal Technologies Office Code Comparison Study

The Geothermal Technologies Office Code Comparison Study (GTO-CCS) aims to support the DOE Geothermal Technologies Office in organizing and executing a model comparison activity. This project is directed at testing, diagnosing differences, and demonstrating modeling capabilities of a worldwide collection of numerical simulators for evaluating geothermal technologies. Teams of researchers are collaborating in this code comparison effort, and it is important to be able to share results in a forum where technical discussions can easily take place without requiring teams to travel to a common location. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has developed an open-source, flexible framework called Velo that provides a knowledge management infrastructure and tools to support modeling and simulation for a variety of types of projects in a number of scientific domains. GTO-Velo is a customized version of the Velo Framework that is being used as the collaborative tool in support of the GTO-CCS project. Velo is designed around a novel integration of a collaborative Web-based environment and a scalable enterprise Content Management System (CMS). The underlying framework provides a flexible and unstructured data storage system that allows for easy upload of files that can be in any format. Data files are organized in hierarchical folders and eachmore » folder and each file has a corresponding wiki page for metadata. The user interacts with Velo through a web browser based wiki technology, providing the benefit of familiarity and ease of use. High-level folders have been defined in GTO-Velo for the benchmark problem descriptions, descriptions of simulator/code capabilities, a project notebook, and folders for participating teams. Each team has a subfolder with write access limited only to the team members, where they can upload their simulation results. The GTO-CCS participants are charged with defining the benchmark problems for the study, and as each GTO-CCS Benchmark problem is defined, the problem creator can provide a description using a template on the metadata page corresponding to the benchmark problem folder. Project documents, references and videos of the weekly online meetings are shared via GTO-Velo. A results comparison tool allows users to plot their uploaded simulation results on the fly, along with those of other teams, to facilitate weekly discussions of the benchmark problem results being generated by the teams. GTO-Velo is an invaluable tool providing the project coordinators and team members with a framework for collaboration among geographically dispersed organizations.« less