Denial of Service: Types, Techniques, Defence Mechanisms and Safe Guards

Denial of Service (DoS) attacks is one of the most common prevailing cyber-attack because of its ease to initiate. But shielding against these attacks is burdensome due to evolving techniques used by the attackers to carry out these attacks. DoS can be any attack which incapacitate the network resources from rendering services to its users. The aim of incapacitating the network resources is achieved through directing the ginormous amount of inadequate data requests from hoax source IP addresses. Then the various attacking techniques involved in each category are broadly discussed. This paper also presents with the three vital detection mechanisms namely signature-based, anomaly-based and hybrid detection methods for assisting in the early recognition of the DoS attack incidents to mitigate the hazards. Furthermore, the research paper proffers with the safeguarding measures for preventing the system and network resources from DoS incidents.