V/STOL Aircraft Aerodynamic Prediction Methods Investigation. Volume 4. Literature Survey
Abstract : MIC Prediction Methods Investigation. Volume IV. Literature Survey. Final rept. 1 May 69-31 Jan 72,FWooler, Peter T. ;Kao, Hsiao C. ;Schwendemann, Myles F. ;Wasson, Howard R. ;Ziegler, Henry ;NOR-72-9-Vol-4F33615-69-C-1602AF- 698BTAFFDLTR-72-26-Vol-4See also Volume 3, AD-752 559.(*aerodynamic characteristics, mathematical prediction), (*short takeoff aircraft, aerodynamic characteristics), vertical takeoff aircraft, flow fields, lift, flow separation, vortices, wake, stalling, interactions, abstracts, bibliographiescomputer aided analysis, computer aided design, design criteriaAnalytical engineering methods are developed for use in predicting the static and dynamic stability and control derivatives and force and moment coefficients of lift-jet, lift-fan, and vectored thrust V/STOL aircraft in the hover and transition flight regimes. The prediction methods are suitable for use by design personnel during the preliminary design and evaluation of V/STOL aircraft of the type previously mentioned. The results of a literature survey are presented in this volume.