Efficient Cloud Platform Providing Efficient Cloud Platform Providing Efficient Cloud Platform Providing Efficient Cloud Platform Providing anan an an Omnipresent Healthcare Healthcare Healthcare Services Services Services Services

Health care is the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease, illness, injury, and other physical and mental impairments in humans. Healthcare Services refers to the work of health care professionals who act as a first point of consultation for all patients within the health care system. Cloud computing owns the pervasive and on-demand serviceoriented natures, which can fit the characteristics of health- care services. But in the case of general cloud, there arise few challenges which are providing persistent personalized service by keeping high concurrent online analysis to the public, and the abilities in dealing with multimodal, heterogeneous, and non-stationary physiological signals. In this paper, we proposed a private cloud platform architecture that consists of six layers according to the specific requirements with plug-in algorithm. This platform utilizes message queue as a cloud engine, and each layer thereby achieves relative independence by this loosely coupled means of communications with publish/subscribe mechanism. Also the massive semi-structure or unstructured medical data are accessed adaptively by this cloud architecture. This proposed cloud platform can be robust, stable, and satisfy the high concurrent requests from omnipresent healthcare services.

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