PIC 마이크로컨트롤러를 이용한 가정용 자동해돋이 조명시스템 구현

It is known that natural awakening of us in the morning is due to stimulation of the reticular activation system through biological clock in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of hypothalamus by the morning sunlight. If we sleep at dark rooms without windows and so without morning sunlight, thus, it is not easy for us to get up refreshingly in the morning. In this paper, we propose an automatic sunrise household lighting system that helps us for getting up cheerful1y in the morning even if we sleep in dark rooms without morning sunlight. The proposed lighting system is an embedded system that turns automatical1y on the electric lamp and makes it brighter and brighter coincidently with the actual sunrise. The proposed system is composed of a PIC microcontroller with flash memory, a real-time clock IC, a D/A converter, an amplifier, a dimmer unit, a light bulb, a display panel and a keyboard. The validity of the proposed intelligent lighting system is demonstrated via a prototype production and experimentation.