Industrial Data Services for Quality Control in Smart Manufacturing – the i4Q Framework

This paper presents a new innovative framework to support smart manufacturing quality assurance. More specifically, the i4Q framework provides an IoT-based Reliable Industrial Data Services (RIDS), a complete suite consisting of 22 innovative Solutions, able to manage the huge amount of industrial data coming from cheap cost-effective, smart, and small size interconnected factory devices for supporting manufacturing online monitoring and control. The i4Q Framework guarantees data reliability with functions grouped into five basic capabilities around the data cycle: sensing, communication, computing infrastructure, storage, and analysis-optimization. i4Q RIDS includes simulation and optimization tools for manufacturing line continuous process qualification, quality diagnosis, reconfiguration and certification for ensuring high manufacturing efficiency, leading to an integrated approach to zero-defect manufacturing. This paper presents the main principles of the i4Q framework and the relevant industrial case studies on which it will be evaluated.