Brain activation studies on visual-vestibular and ocular motor interaction.

Despite their different sensorimotor functions, saccades, pursuit eye movements, small-field optokinetic nystagmus and visual motion stimulation with the eyes stationary evoke a common complex pattern of activation in various cortical, basal ganglia, brain-stem and cerebellar areas. On closer inspection, however, typical subregions can be delineated that allow differentiation of adjacent but separate loci for specific functions (e.g. the separation of the two parallel corticocortical systems to control saccades and pursuit in the cortical eye fields). It is becoming increasingly clear that stimulation of one sensory system affects other sensory systems, and generally this is via an inhibitory reciprocal mode of interaction. For example, vestibular stimulation deactivates the visual cortex and visual stimulation deactivates the vestibular cortex.

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