External cantilever sling in septorhinoplasty: a new technique.

Development of mucoperichondrial and mucoperiosteal flaps bilaterally, total removal of the deviated septum, straightening it outside, followed by replacement as a free graft constitute an option in treatment of the severely deviated nose. Positioning and stabilization of the septum in this technique may prove insufficient in the majority of septorhinoplasty patients in whom both nasal bones are also immobilized. Positioning and stabilization can be achieved adequately by the use of the presented technique that involves passing a 3-0 nylon suture to suspend the cartilage replant to a plastic splint applied to the dorsum of the nose, one-third of which is taped over the realigned nasal bones. In the past 5 years, 45 patients have undergone septorhinoplasty using this technique. The minimum follow-up period was 6 months. No patient developed any major complications. Secondary correction was necessary to improve the aesthetic result in only one patient. The results in patients who underwent this surgical procedure suggest that the presented technique provides excellent results in severely deviated noses associated with major deviations of the septum but must be limited only to those whose deformity is so severe that other techniques will be insufficient to obtain the desired result.