This paper describes technical, logistical, and sociopolitical factors to be considered in the development of guidelines for siting a facility for deep borehole disposal of radioactive waste. Technical factors include geological, hydro-geochemical, and geophysical characteristics that are related to the suitability of the site for drilling and borehole construction, waste emplacement activities, waste isolation, and long-term safety of the deep borehole disposal system. Logistical factors to be considered during site selection include: the local or regional availability of drilling contractors (equipment, services, and materials) capable of drilling a large-diameter borehole to approximately 5 km depth; the legal and regulatory requirements associated with drilling, construction of surface facilities, waste handling and emplacement, and postclosure safety; and access to transportation systems. Social and political factors related to site selection include the distance from population centers and the support or opposition of local and state entities and other stakeholders to the facility and its operations. These considerations are examined in the context of the siting process and guidelines for a deep borehole field test, designed to evaluate the feasibility of siting and operating a deep borehole disposal facility.