In this demo, we present a Beauty eMakeup System to automatically recommend the most suitable makeup for a female and synthesis the makeup on her face. Given a before-makeup face, her most suitable makeup is determined automatically. Then, both the before-makeup and the reference faces are fed into the proposed Deep Transfer Network to generate the after-makeup face. Our end-to-end makeup transfer network have several nice properties including: (1) with complete functions: including foundation, lip gloss, and eye shadow transfer; (2) cosmetic specific: different cosmetics are transferred in different manners; (3) localized: different cosmetics are applied on different facial regions; (4) producing naturally looking results without obvious artifacts; (5) controllable makeup lightness: various results from light makeup to heavy makeup can be generated. Extensive experimental evaluations and analysis on testing images well demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed system.
Leon A. Gatys,et al.
A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style
Xiaochun Cao,et al.
Makeup Like a Superstar: Deep Localized Makeup Transfer Network
Dong Guo,et al.
Digital face makeup by example
2009 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
Changsheng Xu,et al.
Matching-CNN meets KNN: Quasi-parametric human parsing
2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).