Klaus: A System for Managing Information and Computational Resources

Abstract : This report presents a broad-brush description of the basic goals and philosophy of a research program at SRI International (SRI) aimed at developing the technology needed to support systems that can be tutored in English about new subject areas, and that can thereafter aid the user in filing and retrieving information and in conveniently applying to the new subject area other computer software, such as data-base management systems (DBMS), planners, schedulers, report generators, and simulators. These systems, which the authors call Knowledge Learning and Using Systems (KLAUS), are intended to act as brokers between the user's needs, as expressed in the user's terms, and the resources available in a rich computational environment. In a nutshell, the core concept of a KLAUS is that of an interactive system preprogrammed with essential skills for readily learning the concepts and vocabulary of new subject domains, and with expertise for applying acquired knowledge in problem-solving situations. A KLAUS is tutored about new domains in English (perhaps also using tables, menus, and domain-specific formalisms). While being taught, a KLAUS does not play a passive role, but actively looks for gaps and inconsistencies in its knowledge, asking its tutor pointed clarification questions. In this manner, the KLAUS aids the user in formalizing, organizing, and clarifying his or her ideas. After tutoring, a KLAUS can aid its tutor and other users in performing tasks that require combining knowledge of the new domain with knowledge of how to use sophisticated computer systems.