The effectiveness of machines is characterized by processes that occur in the mates of parts. Corresponding pairing of parts can be characterized by high wear resistance and self-organization of their surface layers, in the first place, it directly affects the performance of consumable lubricant – oil. Analysis and evaluation of the characteristics of the oil during operation makes it possible to gradually solve the problem of increasing the operational reliability of systems and units of transport vehicles. Currently, increasing the reliability of systems and assemblies of transport vehicles is carried out by selecting structural materials, as well as the formation of oils for them. The solution to the problem of selecting structural materials for mating parts has achieved significant success, but the choice of lubricant for tribological mating of the parts of systems and assemblies of machines is a more complex problem. In the market of lubricants there is fairly large number of oils, the use of which has a low level of validity. The service life of oils is considered to be constant, characterized by the corresponding guarantee operating time. This parameter does not take into account the operating conditions and the current state of the mates of the parts of the corresponding systems and units of transport vehicles, the presence of an oil filtration system, its actual properties during operation, renovations and destructive changes in materials. The processes of destructive changes in the materials of mating parts during operation are significantly depends on the properties of the oil. The main properties of oils are formed when additives are added to them during their production and further operation. The operational properties of oils change during the course of friction and wear processes in the mates of parts, intensifies their oxidation and the physicochemical transformations of additives and additives. All this creates the prerequisites for the aging of working oils. The processes of oil oxidation during operation largely occur in the adjacent layers to the working surfaces of UDC 629.083 DOI: 10.15587/2312-8372.2019.177316
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