Asymmetric ring currents and the low‐latitude disturbance daily variation

An asymmetric ring current belt consisting of a symmetric ring current and a superimposed partial ring current system is proposed as the explanation for the low-latitude disturbance daily variation. The magnetic effects of the partial ring current system are derived using a scale model together with a small magnetometer as an analog computer. The magnetic field of an asymmetric ring current belt is derived by assigning an amplitude A to the partial ring current function and an amplitude S to the (constant) symmetric ring current function. The span in longitude, the initial position in local time, and the local-time drift rate of the partial ring current are also adjustable parameters in the asymmetric ring current model. Recovery phases for stations with various longitudes are derived by assuming exponential decays for the partial ring current and symmetric ring current. Measured and computed recovery phases are compared for a few magnetic storms. The comparisons show that even this very simple model of the asymmetric ring current can account for most of the low-latitude disturbance daily variation in the recovery phase.