Design and implementation of microcontroller based PWM technique for sine wave inverter

A microcontroller based advanced technique of generating sine wave with minimized harmonics is implemented in this paper. The proposed technique “impulse-sine product” aims to design and implement a voltage regulated inverter with ripple free and glitch free output sine wave that can operate electronic devices efficiently. The output voltage of the inverter is regulated by a feedback loop using analog to digital protocol of PIC16f877 microcontroller. The design is essentially focused upon low power electronic appliances such as personal computers, chargers, television sets. The inverter output is regulated from 16-volt rms to 220-volt rms for a variation of load between 1-Ω to 180-Ω loads. The designed inverter provides a range of operation from 25 Watts to 250 Watts. The design is mathematically modeled which is simulated in Matlab, Proteus and finally the results are practically verified.