Localization and Orientation in Biology and Engineering

I Localization, Identification, and Tracking of Signal Sources.- The Problem of Orientation in Photogrammetry from the Phototheodolite to Earth Resources Satellites.- Digital Array Signal Processing Methods Applied for Advanced Direction Finding Operations.- Remote Sensing and Imaging with Microwave Sensors.- The Application of Spread Spectrum Techniques in Satellite Orbit Determination and Navigation Systems.- Passive Bearing Estimation of a Moving Sound Source Using an Adaptive Filter.- Second-Order Representation of Signals.- The Phonochrome - A Coherent Spectro-Temporal Representation of Sound.- Directional Hearing and the Acoustical Near-Field of a Human and an Artificial Head.- Determination of the Transfer Function of a Time-Varying Transfer Channel by a Correlation Method. Illustrated on Sound Propagation Through a Turbulent Medium.- Redundance of Acoustic Localization.- Sound Localization in the Horizontal Plane by the House Mouse (Mus musculus).- Localization of Water Surface Waves with the Lateral Line System in the Clawed Toad (Xenopus laevis Daudin).- Determination of Source-Distance by the Surface-Feeding Fishes Apbcheilus lineatus (Cyprinodontidae) and Pantodon buchholzi (Pantodontidae).- Determination of Stimulus Direction by the Topminnow Apbcheilus lineatus.- Mathematical Description of the Stimulus for the Lateral Line Organ.- Image Sequence Analysis for Target Tracking.- Detection Performance in Visual Search Tasks.- Prediction of Human Pattern Discrimination.- On the Application of Associative Neural Network Models to Technical Control Problems.- Control of Hand-Movements Towards a Target.- How the Primate Brain Performs Detection and Pursuit of Moving Visual Objects.- Non-Linear Interaction of Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex and Pursuit Eye Movements.- How Saccadic Eye Movements Find their Target.- Visual Orientation of Flies in Flight.- II Orientation and Path Control.- Roll-Stabilization During Flight of the Blowfly's Head and Body by Mechanical and Visual Cues.- Activation of Flight Control Muscles by Neck Reflexes in the Domestic Pigeon (Columba livia var. domestica).- Dynamics of Groundspeed Control in Drosophila.- Control of Flight Speed by Minimization of the Apparent Ground Pattern Movement.- Short-Term Integration: A Possible Mechanism in the Optomotor Reaction of Walking Crickets?.- Computation of Motion and Position in the Visual System of the Fly (Musca). Experiments with Uniform Stimulation.- On the Alignment of Movement Detectors Mediating the Landing Response in the Blowfly, Calliphora erythrocephala.- The Stimulus Efficiency of Intensity Contrast, Spectral Contrast, and Polarization Contrast in the Optomotorics of Pachnoda marginata (Coleoptera: Cetoniinae).- A Possible Neuronal Mechanism of Velocity and Direction Detection.- Optical Monitoring of Ego-Motion for Movement with Respect to a Plane Surface.- Perception of Differences Between Visually and Mechanically Presented Motion Information.- Paired Tread Wheels as a Tool for the Analysis of Orientation Behaviour in Arthropods.- Wind Orientation in Walking Carrion Beetles (Necrophorus humator F.) Under Closed and Open Loop Conditions.- Correcting Behaviour - a Mechanism to Support Course Stability?.- Acoustical Pattern Recognition in Crickets.- Neural Enhancement of Directionality in Sensory Pathways of Two Arthropods, the Cricket and the Crayfish.- Homing by Systematic Search.- III Localization and Identification of Targets by Active Systems.- The Superlaminated Torus in the Electric Fish Eigenmannia, a Multimodal Space Integrator.- The Performance of Bat Sonar Systems.- Short-Time Spectral Analysis of the Ultrasound-Echoes of Flying Insects.- Control of Echolocation Pulses in the CF-FM-Bat Rhinolophus rouxi: Neurophysiological Investigations of the Function of the Brain Stem Motor Nucleus Innervating the Larynx: the Nucleus Ambiguus.- Echolocation as Seen from the Viewpoint of Radar/Sonar Theory.- Remarks on Recent Developments in Inverse Scattering Theory.- Signal Extraction and Target Detection for Localization by Radar.- Environment and Factors Influencing Optimum Multi-Radar Processing in Air Traffic Control.- Collision Avoidance in Air-Traffic - Conflict Detection and Resolution.- A Ship Encounter - Collision Model.- IV Navigation, Bird Migration and Homing.- Pacific Systems of Trade and Navigation.- Interplanetary Navigation: An Overview.- Image-Supported Navigation.- Range Measuring Techniques in Aviation.- The Geometrical Characteristics of the Navigation Satellite Systems.- Elements of Bird Navigation.- The Development of the Navigational System in Young Homing Pigeons.- The Homing Behavior of Pigeons Raised in a Reversed Magnetic Field.- The Magnetic Compass as an Independent Alternative to the Sun Compass in the Homing Performance of Young Pigeons.- Typical Migratory Birds: Endogenously Programmed Animals.- The Influence of the Earth Magnetic Field to the Migratory Behaviour of Pied Flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca PALLAS).- Migratory Birds: Path-Finding Using Madar? (Magnetic Detection and Ranging).

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