Addition is a fundamental arithmetic operation which is used extensively in many very large-scale integration (VLSI) systems such as application-specific digital signal processing (DSP) and microprocessors. An adder determines the overall performance of the circuits in most of those systems. In this paper a 1-bit full adder cell which uses only six transistors has been proposed. In this design, three multiplexers and one inverter are used to minimize the transistor count and reduce power consumption. The power dissipation, propagation delay and power-delay product (PDP) are analyzed and compared with the existing adders using BSIM4 at 90 nm feature size. The results show that the proposed adder has both lower power consumption and low PDP value. The proposed full adder clearly outperforms other existing adders in its temperature sustainability behavior versus power dissipation, leakage current parameters. The low power and low transistor count makes the proposed 6T full adder cell a candidate for powerefficient applications.
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Proposed low power, high speed adder-based 65-nm Square root circuit
Microelectron. J..
Abdoul Rjoub,et al.
The Influence of the Nanometer Technology on Performance of CPL Full Adders
J. Comput..
Navi Keivan,et al.
A New Full-Adder Based on Majority Function and Standard Gates
Keivan Navi,et al.
An energy efficient full adder cell for low voltage
IEICE Electron. Express.