Friable Micrometeorites from Central Antarctica Snow

Introduction: We carried on the collection of micrometeorites (MMs) from central Antarctica snow. The MMs were recovered by melting and sieving snow samples from the vicinity of the French-Italian station CONCORDIA (Dome C, 75°S-123°E). Located on the east Antarctic plateau, 1100 kms inland, and at 3200 m altitude, the Dome C snow is well protected from terrestrial dust contamination. The results presented so far [1] included 40 particles extracted from about 1 ton of melted snow during the January 2000 expedition (DC00). We report here on complementary results from the collection performed in January 2002 (DC02) in which 3.6 tons of snow were processed. These micrometeorites constitute the CONCORDIA-Collection. The sorting of the particles is still ongoing and this is thus a progress report. Experimental procedure: Snow samples were manually extracted from a clean trench at depth ranging from 3 m down to 5 m, in order to get snow layers from years prior the arrival of the polar logistics on site. The snow was shovelled into 30 liters cans which were sealed and taken back to CONCORDIA station on sledges. We avoided using any engine in the vicinity of the extraction point. For the DC02 expedition, we designed a new stainless steel double tank snow smelter, working with a 35 kW propane gas boiler. The snow was melted and the dust gravitationally sieved on filters with a 30 μm opening to recover the particles. Twelve successive melts with volumes ranging from 200 to 600 liters were performed. The maximum exposure time of the particles to liquid water during each melting/sieving procedure ranged from 1 h to 20 h. During the entire sieving process, the water flow was kept low and did not involve any mechanical pumping. A preliminary inspection of each filter was performed on the field to check for possible contamination. Results: The cleanliness of Dome C snow allowed to use generous pre-sorting criteria when extracting the micrometeorite candidates from the filters: only obvious contamination particles (textile fibres, plastic and metallic debris) were left out in the filters. So far, we have identified 412 particles of extraterrestrial origin, based on their textures and their chondritic composition on the EDXS spectra. The particles have been classified into 4 categories, ranging from completely melted spherules to largely unmelted grains [2]. Stony cosmic spherules (CSs) represent 34 % of the population, glassy CSs (19 %), crystalline micrometeorites (13 %), scoriaceous particles (15 %) and fine-grained micrometeorites (19 %). Only one iron cosmic spherule of extraterrestrial origin has been identified. A large population of small (~ 50 μm) shiny iron oxide spherules was identified but their extraterrestrial origin is doubtful [3]. The cumulative size distributions of each population are reported on Figure 1. For nonspherical micrometeorites, the particle was fitted to an ellipsoid and the size reported in Figure 1 represents the diameter of a sphere that would have the same volume as this ellipsoid. The relative proportion of unmelted micrometeorites is expected to decrease with increasing size due to increasing frictional heating at atmospheric entry [2]. Within the statistical uncertainties, such effect is not visible in this data set. For sizes greater than 100 μm, the distributions can be approximated to a power law, for the cosmic spherules (stony+glass) one gets a tail index of 5.2 in agreement with the data from the South-Pole collection [4].