연동소프트웨어의 안정성 확보를 위한 시뮬레이션 기법
Recently, the μ-processor based-controlled systems instead of conventional relays circuitry are widely used to industrial applications, and also those technology is available to railway signalings which are safety-critical systems. However, the safety and reliability of software for those systems are harder to demonstrate than in traditional relays circuitry because the faults or errors can not be analyzed and predicted to those systems. So, the safety problems are crucial more and more in μ-processor based-controlled system. In this paper, the Grafcet language, the graphical and mathematical form, is used to obtain the high-level safety and reliability of software control logic. The general description for Grafcet notation are provided. And some partial of interlocking logic are formally modeled and simulated by Grafcet language and graphical windows.