The rapid growth of mobile device (e.g., smart phone and bracelet) has spawned a lot of new applications, during which the requirements of applications are increasing, while the capacities of some mobile devices are still limited. Such contradiction drives the emergency of computation migration among mobile edge devices, which is a lack of research currently. In this work, we focus on addressing the computation migration oriented resource allocation problem among mobile edge devices. Specifically, we first construct a framework for Mobile Social Cloud(MSC), in which the mobile devices with rich resources are abstracted as resource suppliers and those resource-lacking devices are abstracted as resource demanders. Then, a mathematical model is formulated and an evolutionary algorithm is proposed to effectively solve this model based on decomposition, dominance and genetic operations. Moreover, the parallel computing is introduced to further improve the efficiency of the proposed algorithm. The experimental results indicate that the proposed algorithm outperforms the other state-of-the-art methods and it improves the calculation efficiency by about 178% (2 cores) and 262% (3 cores) by introducing parallel computing.