Palliative care nursing research trends from 1987 to 1996

Nursing research in palliative care is becoming ever more important as cost-effectiveness and evidence-based practice become mandatory in the workplace. A search of Cinahl and Medline databases and the content pages of the International Journal of Palliative Nursing, Palliative Medicine and the Journal of Palliative Care provided 180 articles relating to nursing research in palliative care over the past decade. On reviewing the abstracts emerging trends show that nurses are becoming more focused on service delivery and there is evidence of their participation in particular aspects of patient and family care. In particular they are conducting more quantitative research on patient outcomes especially in areas where nurses can have an effect on care outcomes, e.g. complementary therapies, psychosocial support and non-pharmaceutical symptom control. These trends must continue in order to cement the nurse’s place in palliative care.

[1]  S. Aranda New challenges for palliative nursing. , 1997, International journal of palliative nursing.

[2]  J. Sloan,et al.  Family Members’ Perceptions of Palliative Cancer Care: Predictors of Family Functioning and Family Members’ Health , 1996, Journal of palliative care.

[3]  S. Holmes,et al.  Developing a symptom distress scale for terminal malignant disease. , 1996, International journal of palliative nursing.

[4]  A. Richardson,et al.  Fatigue in patients receiving chemotherapy for advanced cancer. , 1996, International journal of palliative nursing.

[5]  J. Latham Evidence-based practice: meeting a need within palliative nursing. , 1996, International journal of palliative nursing.

[6]  M. Clinton,et al.  Improving psychosocial care: a professional development programme. , 1996, International journal of palliative nursing.

[7]  R. A’Hern,et al.  Non-pharmacological intervention for breathlessness in lung cancer , 1996, Palliative medicine.

[8]  S. McMillan Pain and pain relief experienced by hospice patients with cancer. , 1996, Cancer nursing.

[9]  S. R. Jacob The grief experience of older women whose husbands had hospice care. , 1996, Journal of advanced nursing.

[10]  M. Fitch,et al.  Coping strategies of family caregivers of home hospice patients with cancer. , 1996, Oncology nursing forum.

[11]  D. Prior,et al.  Palliative care nursing in a curative environment: an Australian perspective. , 1996, International journal of palliative nursing.

[12]  Lee Ca,et al.  Strontium-89 for treatment of painful bone metastasis from prostate cancer. , 1996 .

[13]  C. Heaven,et al.  Training hospice nurses to elicit patient concerns. , 1996, Journal of advanced nursing.

[14]  M. Nebauer,et al.  Nurses' perceptions of palliative care nursing. , 1996, International journal of palliative nursing.

[15]  B. Perry Influence of nurse gender on the use of silence, touch and humour. , 1996, International journal of palliative nursing.

[16]  T. Butterworth,et al.  AIDS and community nursing care. , 1996, International journal of palliative nursing.

[17]  J. Wilson‐Barnett Research directions in palliative care nursing. , 1996, International journal of palliative nursing.

[18]  A Grindley,et al.  Alternating pressure mattresses: comfort and quality of sleep. , 1996, British Journal of Nursing.

[19]  M. Ross,et al.  The palliative care quiz for nursing (PCQN): the development of an instrument to measure nurses' knowledge of palliative care. , 1996, Journal of advanced nursing.

[20]  J. Cutcliffe How do nurses inspire and instil hope in terminally ill HIV patients? , 2006, Journal of advanced nursing.

[21]  A. Lanceley Wider issues in pain management. , 1995, European journal of cancer care.

[22]  C. Musgrave,et al.  The Sensation of Thirst in Dying Patients Receiving IV Hydration , 1995, Journal of palliative care.

[23]  S. Ball,et al.  The role of Macmillan nurse tutors: an interview study with post-holders. , 1995, International journal of palliative nursing.

[24]  Barbara Evans An audit into the effects of aromatherapy massage and the cancer patient in palliative and terminal care , 1995 .

[25]  A. Norberg,et al.  Stories about becoming a hospice nurse: Reasons, expectations, hopes, and concerns , 1995, Cancer nursing.

[26]  L. Balneaves,et al.  Directions for Palliative Care Nursing in Canada: Report of a National Survey , 1995, Journal of palliative care.

[27]  E. Hanson,et al.  Images of Palliative Nursing Care , 1995, Journal of palliative care.

[28]  R. Laferriere Orem's Theory in Practice: Hospice Nursing Care , 1995, Home healthcare nurse.

[29]  G. Gibbs Nurses in private nursing homes: a study of their knowledge and attitudes to pain management in palliative care , 1995, Palliative medicine.

[30]  Andrew S. Johnson Palliative Care in the Home? , 1995, Journal of palliative care.

[31]  J. Benoliel Palliative nursing and managed care. , 1995, International journal of palliative nursing.

[32]  N. Cawley,et al.  Research priorities in palliative care. , 1995, International journal of palliative nursing.

[33]  J. Corner,et al.  An evaluation of the use of massage and essential oils on the wellbeing of cancer patients. , 1995, International journal of palliative nursing.

[34]  L. Hodgson,et al.  Nurses working 12-hour shifts in the hospice setting , 1995, Palliative medicine.

[35]  C. Hicks The shortfall in published research: a study of nurses' research and publication activities. , 1995, Journal of advanced nursing.

[36]  H. Plant,et al.  Developing a nursing approach to managing dyspnoea in lung cancer. , 1995, International journal of palliative nursing.

[37]  M. Woods Sociological factors and psychosocial implications of lymphoedema. , 1995, International journal of palliative nursing.

[38]  J. Buchan Nurses' estimations of patients' prognoses in the last days of life. , 1995, International journal of palliative nursing.

[39]  D. Hennrikus,et al.  Professional needs of palliative care nurses in New South Wales , 1995, Palliative medicine.

[40]  A. Richardson,et al.  A review of nursing research in cancer and palliative care , 1995 .

[41]  A. Harrington Spiritual care: what does it mean to RNs? , 1995, The Australian journal of advanced nursing : a quarterly publication of the Royal Australian Nursing Federation.

[42]  D. Langemo,et al.  Evaluation of pressure ulcer prevalence rates for hospice patients post-implementation of pressure ulcer protocols , 1994, The American journal of hospice & palliative care.

[43]  M. Mahon,et al.  The impact of hospice services on the quality of life of primary caregivers. , 1994, Oncology nursing forum.

[44]  N. Gozdek,et al.  Aims and ethics of palliative care--the views of a selected group of Polish nursing students. , 1994, Scandinavian journal of caring sciences.

[45]  K. White,et al.  Euthanasia: a comparison of the lived experience of Chinese and Australian palliative care nurses. , 1993, Journal of advanced nursing.

[46]  M. Aristides,et al.  The effects on hospital use and costs of a domiciliary palliative care nursing service. , 1993, Australian health review : a publication of the Australian Hospital Association.

[47]  M. Hunt 'Scripts' for dying at home--displayed in nurses', patients' and relatives' talk. , 1992, Journal of advanced nursing.

[48]  P. Ryan Perceptions of the most helpful nursing behaviors in a home-care hospice setting: Caregivers and nurses , 1992, The American journal of hospice & palliative care.

[49]  L. Clarke-Steffen,et al.  Terminal care costs in childhood cancer. , 1992, Pediatric nursing.

[50]  C. Seale Community nurses and the care of the dying. , 1992, Social science & medicine.

[51]  P. Reed Preferences for spiritually related nursing interventions among terminally ill and nonterminally ill hospitalized adults and well adults. , 1991, Applied nursing research : ANR.

[52]  A. Cartwright Balance of care for the dying between hospitals and the community: perceptions of general practitioners, hospital consultants, community nurses and relatives. , 1991, The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners.

[53]  M. Hull Hospice nurses Caring support for caregiving families , 1991, Cancer nursing.

[54]  J. Spencer Caring for a terminally ill person with pain, at home. An Australian perspective. , 1991, Cancer nursing.

[55]  M. Gates Transcultural Comparison of Hospital and Hospice as Caring Environments for Dying Patients , 1991, Journal of transcultural nursing : official journal of the Transcultural Nursing Society.

[56]  Z. Wolf Care of dying patients and patients after death: patterns of care in nursing history , 1991 .

[57]  E. Young,et al.  Self-perceived needs of primary caregivers of home-hospice clients. , 1991, Journal of community health nursing.

[58]  S. Benedict Nursing research priorities related to HIV/AIDS. , 1990, Oncology nursing forum.

[59]  N. Samarel Nursing in a hospital-based hospice unit. , 1989, Image--the journal of nursing scholarship.

[60]  L. Bramwell,et al.  The Supportive Role of the Staff Nurse in the Hospital Palliative Care Situation , 1989, Journal of palliative care.

[61]  J. Hockley Caring for the dying in acute hospitals. , 1989, Nursing times.

[62]  E. Osuna,et al.  Attitudes of medical personnel (doctors and nurses) toward informing the terminal patient. , 1989, Medicine and law.

[63]  C. Scanlon,et al.  A study of the comfort needs of patients with advanced cancer , 1987, Cancer nursing.