Learning motion representation for real-time spatio-temporal action localization

Abstract The current deep learning based spatio-temporal action localization methods that using motion information (predominated is optical flow) obtain the state-of-the-art performance. However, since the optical flow is pre-computed, leading to these methods face two problems – the computational efficiency is low and the whole network is not end-to-end trainable. We propose a novel spatio-temporal action localization approach with an integrated optical flow sub-network to address these two issues. Specifically, our designed flow subnet can estimate optical flow efficiently and accurately by using multiple consecutive RGB frames rather than two adjacent frames in a deep network, simultaneously, action localization is implemented in the same network interactive with flow computation end-to-end. To faster the speed, we exploit a neural network based feature fusion method in a pyramid hierarchical manner. It fuses spatial and temporal features at different granularities via combination function (i.e. concatenation) and point-wise convolution to obtain multiscale spatio-temporal action features. Experimental results on three publicly available datasets, e.g. UCF101-24, JHMDB and AVA show that with both RGB appearance and optical flow cues, the proposed method gets the state-of-the-art performance in both efficiency and accuracy. Noticeably, it gets a significant improvement on efficiency. Compared to the currently most efficient method, it is 1.9 times faster in the running speed and 1.3% video-mAP more accurate on the UCF101-24. Our proposed method reaches real-time computation for the first time (up to 38 FPS).

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