Motivated at least initially by materials needs for nuclear reactor development, extensive irradiation effects studies employing TEMs have been performed for several decades, involving irradiation-induced and irradiation-enhanced, microstructural changes, including phase transformations such as precipitation, dissolution, crystallization, amorphization, and order-disorder phenomena. From the introduction of commercial high voltage electron microscopes (HVEM) in the mid-1960s, studies of electron irradiation effects have constituted a major aspect of HVEM application in materials science. For irradiation effects studies two additional developments have had particularly significant impact: (1) The availability of TEM specimen holders in which specimen temperature can be controlled in the range 10--2200 K; and (2) the interfacing of ion accelerators which allows in situ TEM studies of irradiation effects and the ion beam modification of materials within this broad temperature range. This paper treats several aspects of in situ studies of electron and ion beam-induced and enhanced phase changes, including the current state of in situ ion beam capability internationally, and presents two case studies involving in situ experiments performed in an HVEM to illustrate the dynamics of such an approach in materials research.
D. A. Smith,et al.
Morphology and motion of the interface between amorphous and crystalline cobalt disilicide
H. Atwater,et al.
Ion irradiation enhanced crystal nucleation in amorphous Si thin films
L. Rehn,et al.
In-situ HVEM study of migration of bcc/glass interfaces in TiCr2, induced by 1 MeV krypton irradiation at 80–180 K
C. Allen,et al.
In situ ion irradiation /implantation studies in the HVEM-tandem facility at argonne national laboratory
L. Rehn,et al.
Cascade-driven migration of structural interfaces: a new type of irradiation-induced phase transformation
M. Meshii,et al.
High-resolution electron microscopy of amorphization of Cu_4 Ti_3
H. Fujita,et al.
The relationship between the chemical and topological disorder in the intermetallic compound Cu4Ti3
W. King,et al.
Determination of the threshold-energy surface for copper using in-situ electrical-resistivity measurements in the high-voltage electron microscope