열린 창문을 통해 유입되는 소음을 저감하는 능동소음제어 창문

Recently, noise has been regarded as one of the most notorious and frequent environmental pollutions which can be often encountered not only in the living space but also in the industrial site. Studies on physiological and psychological effects of long-term noise exposure to human being have commanded the public interest on noise issues. Since environmental noises such as traffic noise and construction noise is mainly flowed through the open window, it is necessary to develop the active noise control system to reduce it inside the building. Although control speakers and microphones for the noise signal measurement in the control region are essential for the conventional active noise control methods, it is impossible to implement them in the control region in the building environment because the control region is the living quarter and they may hinder activities of the residents. Therefore, we proposed the active window system to reduce the exterior noise flowed through the open window with microphones installed outside the window and control speakers installed at the frame of the window. To confirm the performance of the proposed active window, we carried out the simulation and experiment using active window system with 8 control speakers. Simulation results showed the noticeable noise reduction effect inside the control region within the frequency range without the spatial aliasing. Experimental result showed that the total acoustic potential energy inside the room of the scale model is reduced to about 10dB within the interest of frequency range.