[Ilio-inguinal and genito-femoral neuralgia. Causes, clinical aspects, therapy].
Entrapment neuropathy of the ilioinguinal and of the genito-femoral nerves is a rare but sometimes very painful complication of abdominal surgery (herniorrhaphy, appendectomy, nephrectomy, gynecological surgery, removal of bone from the inner table of the iliac crest, etc.). Sometimes symptoms develop during a normal pregnancy or delivery. Spontaneous entrapment of the ilioinguinal nerve as it passes through the Mm. obliquus internus and transversus abdominis has also been observed. We have operated such a case. The causes, features and the associated findings of entrapment neuropathy of the two nerves are pointed out. In the frequent cases attributable to previous surgery the retroperitoneal resection of the nerves is advocated instead of a local revision, which is usually unsuccessful due to the impossibility of finding and restoring the fine nerves in a dense scar.