String excitation inside generic black holes

We calculate how much a first-quantized string is excited after crossing the inner horizon of charged Vaidya solutions, as a simple model of generic black holes. To quantize a string suitably, we first show that the metric is approximated by a plane-wave metric near the inner horizon when the surface gravity of the horizon ${\ensuremath{\kappa}}_{I}$ is small enough. Next, it is analytically shown that the string crossing the inner horizon is excited infinitely in an asymptotically flat spacetime, while it is finite in an asymptotically de Sitter spacetime and the string can pass across the inner horizon when ${\ensuremath{\kappa}}_{I}l2\ensuremath{\kappa}\ensuremath{\mathrel{:=}}2\mathrm{min}{{\ensuremath{\kappa}}_{B},{\ensuremath{\kappa}}_{C}},$ where ${\ensuremath{\kappa}}_{B}({\ensuremath{\kappa}}_{C})$ is the surface gravity of the black hole (cosmological) event horizon. This implies that strong cosmic censorship holds in an asymptotically flat spacetime, while it is violated in an asymptotically de Sitter spacetime from the point of view of string theory.